The LOOPpro range expands with four new filters for medium and large garden ponds

Just last spring, EHEIM successfully relaunched its LOOPpro continuous flow pond filter. It relaunched in two sizes for ponds up to 6000 and 8000 litres. For the start of the garden pond season this year, EHEIM is introducing four more sizes: for ponds up to 12000, 18000, 26000 and 38000 litres.

Like the two smaller LOOPpro pond filters, the new larger models also offer exceptional features: They are the only ones in their class with a pre-filter, like the EHEIM aquarium filters. Here, coarse dirt is already caught before the water flows through further filter chambers. This means that leaves, plant parts, seeds, food remains etc. do not pass through. And if it does, the Easy Clean backwash removes the last impurities. In addition, an upstream UVC clarifier kills germs (bacteria, viruses) and algae spores. The pre-cleaned water is then passed through several filter stages and finally flows back into the pond, crystal clear.

The LOOPpro filters are extremely low maintenance. All components are precisely matched to each other. An energy-saving pump (EHEIM PLAY or FLOW) at the right performance level ensures low power consumption. The degree of contamination in the water can be read on the indicator so that any detritus or waste deposits can be removed in good time and the filter media replaced if necessary. This can be done in a few simple steps.

Useful tip: The referenced litre figures of each model refer to ponds without fish stocking. With fish stocking, about half the volume should be taken as the reference measurement. If necessary, an additional filtration device can be used.

The new LOOPpro pond flow-through filters are also offered as ready-to-install complete sets including original EHEIM filter media (pre-filter mat, filter cartridges, BIOBALLS or FILTERBIO) in pet shops as well as in garden centres or DIY stores.