EHEIM eXperience 150

EAN: 4011708240694
Product number: 2422020
3 Year(s) fresh marine water
With EHEIM eXperience you have the fundamental benefits of our top external filter generation.    With its predecessor, the professional, range EHEIM launched the first ever external filter range with a square basic shape. Benefits: space saver (because the filter fits into corners), high stability and large filter volume. Additionally, this sturdy basic filter offers special advantages: for instance, a complete hose adapter unit with integrated shut-off taps, individually removable filter baskets with fold-away handles, very low energy consumption, very quiet running due to ceramic components and more besides.eXperience comes completely equipped – including accessories and filter media. You can start immediately.Benefits of EHEIM eXperienc More

<p><strong>With EHEIM eXperience you have the fundamental benefits of our top external filter generation. </strong>   <br /><br />With its predecessor, the professional, range EHEIM launched the first ever external filter range with a square basic shape. Benefits: space saver (because the filter fits into corners), high stability and large filter volume. <br />Additionally, this sturdy basic filter offers special advantages: for instance, a complete hose adapter unit with integrated shut-off taps, individually removable filter baskets with fold-away handles, very low energy consumption, very quiet running due to ceramic components and more besides.<br />eXperience comes completely equipped – including accessories and filter media. You can start immediately.<br /><br /><strong>Benefits of EHEIM eXperience</strong></p> <ul> <li>Very good, reliable external filter for aquariums up to 250 litres</li> <li>Square basic shape for large filter volume and high stability</li> <li>Detachable hose adapter with integrated shut-off taps and locking clamp as complete unit</li> <li>Individually removable filter media containers with fold-away handles for easy handling and convenient full or intermediate cleaning</li> <li>Low energy consumption (only 8 W)</li> <li>Extremely quiet running due to ceramic axle and sleeve</li> <li>Equipment: 1 x coarse filter pad, 1 x fine filter pad and filter baskets</li> <li>media+: complete with filter media (EHEIM MECH and SUBSTRATpro)</li> <li>Accessories included: spray bar, inlet pipe, outlet elbow, EHEIM  quality hose, installation accessories </li> <li>A basic model for innovative upgrading right up to hightech models with electronic controls: professionel 3 and 3e</li> </ul> <p>Square, practical, reliable, efficient and quiet</p> <p>eXperience is the basic model of our top filter generation with a square basic shape. Its shape allows it to be fitted into corners taking up less room. Furthermore, it stands more stably and provides larger filter volume.<br /><br />Rather than individual hose connectors, eXperience has a complete hose adapter unit with 2 integrated shut-off taps. The adapter can be easily removed and safely replaced with the lever (locking clamp). The shut-off taps can be adjusted individually to regulate the water throughflow. <br /><br />The filter canister is equipped with practical filter baskets. These have fold-away handles and can be easily removed for easy handling and convenient full or partial cleaning. <br /><br />EHEIM High Performance Ceramics, that is components made of high quality ceramics (axles and sleeves of the impeller), ensure very quiet running, high resilience and extremely long service life.<br /><br />At only 8 Watt with a pump output of 700 l/h eXperience works very efficiently and has low energy consumption.<br /><br />With these benefits professionel was the precursor of the innovative range of very hightech external filters (professionel 3 und 3e).</p> <p>It is also available as a thermofilter with integrated heater (eXperience 250T)<br /><br />eXperience is completely equipped and ready to use. <br />Product contents include: <br />-    hose adapter unit, spray bar, inlet pipe, outlet elbow, EHEIM quality hose, installation accessories as well as <br />-    filter baskets, coarse and fine filter pad and filter media EHEIM SUBSTRAT</p>
Select Model: EHEIM eXperience 150
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With EHEIM eXperience you have the fundamental benefits of our top external filter g…
With EHEIM eXperience you have the fundamental benefits of our top external filter g…
With EHEIM eXperience you have the fundamental benefits of our top external filter g…
5 l
9 l
6 l
2.3 l
4.9 l
3 l
Förderhöhe ca. (H max bei 50 Hz)
1.3 m
2 m
1.5 m
Für Aquarien bis ca.
150 Liter
350 Liter
250 Liter
Für Aquarien von ca.
80 Liters
180 Liters
120 Liters
Für Außenbereich
3 Year(s)
3 Year(s)
3 Year(s)
Leistungsaufnahme (50 Hz) von
8 Watt
24 Watt
8 Watt
Pumpenleistung (50 Hz) pro Stunde von ca.
500 l
1050 l
700 l
Schlauch Ø Druckseite
12.0/16.0 mm
16.0/22.0 mm
12.0/16.0 mm
Schlauch Ø Saugseite
12.0/16.0 mm
16.0/22.0 mm
12.0/16.0 mm
1 Part (s)
1 Part (s)
1 Part (s)
Verpackungsmaße (Breite)
27 cm
29 cm
27 cm
Verpackungsmaße (Höhe)
34 cm
42 cm
38 cm
Verpackungsmaße (Tiefe)
19.5 cm
22 cm
19.5 cm
Product information "EHEIM eXperience 150"

With EHEIM eXperience you have the fundamental benefits of our top external filter generation.   

With its predecessor, the professional, range EHEIM launched the first ever external filter range with a square basic shape. Benefits: space saver (because the filter fits into corners), high stability and large filter volume.
Additionally, this sturdy basic filter offers special advantages: for instance, a complete hose adapter unit with integrated shut-off taps, individually removable filter baskets with fold-away handles, very low energy consumption, very quiet running due to ceramic components and more besides.
eXperience comes completely equipped – including accessories and filter media. You can start immediately.

Benefits of EHEIM eXperience

  • Very good, reliable external filter for aquariums up to 250 litres
  • Square basic shape for large filter volume and high stability
  • Detachable hose adapter with integrated shut-off taps and locking clamp as complete unit
  • Individually removable filter media containers with fold-away handles for easy handling and convenient full or intermediate cleaning
  • Low energy consumption (only 8 W)
  • Extremely quiet running due to ceramic axle and sleeve
  • Equipment: 1 x coarse filter pad, 1 x fine filter pad and filter baskets
  • media+: complete with filter media (EHEIM MECH and SUBSTRATpro)
  • Accessories included: spray bar, inlet pipe, outlet elbow, EHEIM  quality hose, installation accessories 
  • A basic model for innovative upgrading right up to hightech models with electronic controls: professionel 3 and 3e

Square, practical, reliable, efficient and quiet

eXperience is the basic model of our top filter generation with a square basic shape. Its shape allows it to be fitted into corners taking up less room. Furthermore, it stands more stably and provides larger filter volume.

Rather than individual hose connectors, eXperience has a complete hose adapter unit with 2 integrated shut-off taps. The adapter can be easily removed and safely replaced with the lever (locking clamp). The shut-off taps can be adjusted individually to regulate the water throughflow.

The filter canister is equipped with practical filter baskets. These have fold-away handles and can be easily removed for easy handling and convenient full or partial cleaning.

EHEIM High Performance Ceramics, that is components made of high quality ceramics (axles and sleeves of the impeller), ensure very quiet running, high resilience and extremely long service life.

At only 8 Watt with a pump output of 700 l/h eXperience works very efficiently and has low energy consumption.

With these benefits professionel was the precursor of the innovative range of very hightech external filters (professionel 3 und 3e).

It is also available as a thermofilter with integrated heater (eXperience 250T)

eXperience is completely equipped and ready to use.
Product contents include:
-    hose adapter unit, spray bar, inlet pipe, outlet elbow, EHEIM quality hose, installation accessories as well as
-    filter baskets, coarse and fine filter pad and filter media EHEIM SUBSTRAT

Archiv: No
Behältervolumen: 5 l
Breite: 178
Filtervolumen: 2.3 l
Förderhöhe ca. (H max bei 50 Hz): 1.3 m
Für Aquarien bis ca.: 150 Liter
Für Aquarien von ca.: 80 Liters
Für Außenbereich: No
Herstellergarantie: 3 Year(s)
Höhe: 290
Leistungsaufnahme (50 Hz) von: 8 Watt
Meerwasser: Yes
Pumpenleistung (50 Hz) pro Stunde von ca.: 500 l
Schlauch Ø Druckseite: 12.0/16.0 mm
Schlauch Ø Saugseite: 12.0/16.0 mm
Süßwasser: Yes
Tiefe: 178
Verpackungseinheit: 1 Part (s)
Verpackungsmaße (Breite): 27 cm
Verpackungsmaße (Höhe): 34 cm
Verpackungsmaße (Tiefe): 19.5 cm
Here you will find the most frequently asked Questions and the corresponding Answers to this article.
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Die nachlassende Leistung Ihres Filters, ist mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit keine Störung an Ihrem Gerät.


Dieses Pumpensystem basiert auf dem Prinzip des Synchronmotors. Dies bedeutet, dass sich das Pumpenrad mit 3000 U/min synchron zur Netzfrequenz dreht oder still steht. Auch z.b. Schwankungen der Netzspannung haben keinen Einfluss auf die Drehzahl. Aufgrund der konstanten Drehzahl fördert dieses Pumpensystem also immer die volle Leistung.


Es muss aber zwischen Pumpenleistung und Umwälzleistung des Filters unterschieden werden. Im Gegensatz zur konstanten Pumpenleistung, lässt die Umwälzleistung des Filters mit zunehmender Verschmutzung nach. Auch das Laufgeräusch kann mit zunehmender Verschmutzung lauter werden.


Das Nachlassen der Umwälzleistung des Filters liegt nach unseren Erfahrungen meist:


1. an verschmutzten Filtermassen
2. am falschen Filtermassenaufbau
3. an der Schlauchinstallation
4. an verschmutzten Schlauchleitungen bzw. verschmutzter Pumpenkammer
5. an der falschen Inbetriebnahme



Wir empfehlen zum optimalen und störungsfreien Filterbetrieb nachfolgende Maßnahmen:


1. Reinigen der Filtermassen. Filtermassen aus dem Filtermassenkorb entnehmen und mit lauwarmem Wasser durchspülen. Je nach Model müssen Filtervliese oder Filterwatte nach jeder Reinigung ausgetauscht werden.


2. Überprüfen Sie Ihren Filtermassenaufbau auf die von uns empfohlene Schichtfilterung.


3. Schlauchinstallation auf eventuelle Knicke bzw. starke Querschnittsverengungen prüfen.


4. Die komplette Schlauchinstallation regelmäßig reinigen. Die beiden Saugleitungen und die Druckleitung sowie Ansaugrohre und Düsenrohr mit der EHEIM Universalreinigungsbürste Nr. 4005570 mehrmals durchziehen. Regelmäßige Reinigung der Pumpenkammer sowie des Kühl- und Schmierkanals mit dem EHEIM Reinigungsbürstenset Nr.: 4009560 (siehe Bedienungsanleitung Wartung und Pflege).


5. Filter durch Ansaugen in Betrieb nehmen (vgl. Bedienungsanleitung ). Bitte darauf achten, dass der Wasserrücklauf (Druckseite "OUT") während des Befüllvorgangs über der Wasseroberfläche liegt. So kann das Gerät optimal entlüften.

Eine Erwärmung des Pumpenkopfes auf ca. 35 C° (Handwarm) ist normal. Diese Wärme entsteht durch die Drehbewegung des Pumpenrades. Damit das Pumpenrad im Betrieb gekühlt und geschmiert wird, ist  es notwendig bei jeder Reinigung der Pumpenkammer auch den Kühl- und Schmierkanal zu reinigen.

Der Schmierkanal befindet sich im inneren der Pumpenkammer.

pumpendeckel_profi.jpg Zur Reinigung des Schmierkanals, den Verschlussring am Boden des Filteroberteils durch eine Drehung gegen den Uhrzeigersinn öffnen.
pumpenrad_achse_profi.jpg Pumpendeckel, das Pumpenrad und die Achse entnehmen.
reinigungsbursten_profi.jpg Mit dem EHEIM  Reinigungset Best.-Nr. 4009560, Pumpenkammer (große Bürste) und den danebenliegenden Schmierkanal (kleine Bürste) reinigen.


























Pumpenkopf wieder zusammenbauen und auf dem Behälter installieren. Filter wieder in Betrieb nehmen, siehe Bedienungsanleitung.

Möglicherweise wurde der Verschlußstopfen (Best.Nr.: 7343418) versehentlich nicht eingebaut. Dieser Verschlussstopfen verschliest den Reinigungskanal von der Pumpenkammer kommend in Richtung Schlauchadapter.


Wenn dieser Stopfen fehlt, wird das Wasser zurück in den Behälter und nicht in das Aquarium gepumpt.


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EHEIM eXperience 150

  • 4011708240694
  • 2422020
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EHEIM InstallationsSET 2
The EHEIM InstallationsSETs allows you to decide about the water flow in your aquarium.Where should the inlet for the water be situated? How should the outlet work? What kind of tubes, hoses, nozzles etc. should be used? Our InstallationsSETs are a modular range of accessories. They consist of a wide range of matching components, with which you can configure and extend your water flow connectors to suit your own personal requirements. The sets can be attached to all EHEIM external filters. InstallationsSET 1 is designed for the inlet side and InstallationsSET 2 for the outlet side.  Two basic sets  – the complete basis for your own individual extension using a comprehensive range of accessories: EHEIM InstallationsSET 1 (inlet side)A basic set for attaching to the inlet side of all external filters. With this set you can decide where the water will be sucked into the aquarium. A     completely safe and watertight hose and InstallationsSET1 connection. Depending on your preference the suction pipe can be lengthened or  shortened. Easy cleaning of the hose without removal. Safe, permanent attachment in the tank with EHEIM quality suction cups.There are  2 sizes – for hose-ø 12/16 mm and hose-ø 16/22 mm      
3 Year(s)

EHEIM aquarium maintenance spray
EHEIM Maintenance Spray Moving parts that are regularly subjected to aquarium water tend to get tight or seize up entirely after some time. Simply applying the spray to the parts concerned quickly rectifies this problem. The maintenance spray is especially recommended to maintain manoeuvrability for valves, shut-off taps, hose adapters, sealing rings and much more. The EHEIM maintenance spray is silicon-based, water neutral, CFC-free, does not contain solvents or oils and is free from environmentally toxic  substances. Supplied with a spray tube to reach even inaccessible areas. For maintenance of valves, shut-off taps, hose adapters, sealing rings etc. Also suitable for difficult to reach priming aids   Water neutral, CFC-free, does not contain solvents or oils and is free from environmentally toxic  substances Volume: 150ml  
3 Year(s)

EHEIM set of filter pads for eXperience/professionel 150, 250 und 250T
Fine and coarse filter pads for mechanical and biological filtration The porous material becomes evenly soaked with water and traps large and small dirt particles. After a short start-up period purification bacteria, which provide intensive biological decomposition of harmful substances, colonise the specially structured foam. The fine and coarse filter pads are reusable many times over. To clean them simply rinse and squeeze out, so that the bacteria cultures are not completely destroyed.  Porous material traps large and small dirt particles Good colonisation conditions for bacteria cultures Reusable several times over To clean just rinse and squeeze out
3 Year(s)

EHEIM InstallationsSET 1
The EHEIM InstallationsSETs allows you to decide about the water flow in your aquarium.Where should the inlet for the water be situated? How should the outlet work? What kind of tubes, hoses, nozzles etc. should be used? Our InstallationsSETs are a modular range of accessories. They consist of a wide range of matching components, with which you can configure and extend your water flow connectors to suit your own personal requirements. The sets can be attached to all EHEIM external filters. InstallationsSET 1 is designed for the inlet side and InstallationsSET 2 for the outlet side.  Two basic sets  – the complete basis for your own individual extension using a comprehensive range of accessories: EHEIM InstallationsSET 1 (inlet side)A basic set for attaching to the inlet side of all external filters. With this set you can decide where the water will be sucked into the aquarium. A  completely safe and watertight hose and InstallationsSET1 connection. Depending on your preference the suction pipe can be lengthened or  shortened. Easy cleaning of the hose without removal. Safe, permanent attachment in the tank with EHEIM quality suction cups.There are  2 sizes – for hose-ø 12/16 mm and hose-ø 16/22 mm    
3 Year(s)

EHEIM foam filter pad for eXperience/professionel 250/250T
Fine and coarse filter pads for mechanical and biological filtration The porous material becomes evenly soaked with water and traps large and small dirt particles. After a short start-up period purification bacteria, which provide intensive biological decomposition of harmful substances, colonise the specially structured foam. The fine and coarse filter pads are reusable many times over. To clean them simply rinse and squeeze out, so that the bacteria cultures are not completely destroyed.   Porous material traps large and small dirt particles Good colonisation conditions for bacteria cultures Reusable several times over To clean just rinse and squeeze out
3 Year(s)
