UVC-lamp 24W-2G11

Numer katalogowy: 4114010

UVC-lamp 24W-2G11 for reeflexUV2000

This light source must only be used for the disinfection of aquarium water.

UVC-lamp 24W-2G11 for reeflexUV2000

This light source must only be used for the disinfection of aquarium water.

UVC-lamp 24W-2G11 for reeflexUV2000 This light source must only be used for the disinfection...węcej

UVC-lamp 24W-2G11 for reeflexUV2000

This light source must only be used for the disinfection of aquarium water.

Słonowodne: Tak
Słodkowodne: Tak
Opakowanie: 1 część
Archiwum: Nie
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