Dane rejestrowe spółki
Plochinger Str. 54
73779 Deizisau
Phone: +49 (0)7153 70 02-01
Fax: +49 (0)7153 70 02-174
District Court Stuttgart HRA 211766
VAT-No. DE 145339492
Represented by the Komplementär-GmbH:
Eheim Betriebs-GmbH
Plochinger Str. 54
73779 Deizisau
General Management: Ibrahim Mefire Kouotou
District Court Stuttgart HRB 212022
EHEIM GmbH & Co. KG constantly check and update the information on their web pages. Despite all due care, the data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore we are unable to accept any liability or warranty concerning the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to all other web pages that are referred to via hyperlink. EHEIM GmbH & Co. KG may not be held responsible for the contents of web pages accessed via such a link. EHEIM GmbH & Co. KG further reserves the right to change or supplement the information provided. Content and structure of the EHEIM web pages are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, especially the use of texts, parts thereof or pictorial material requires previous approval by EHEIM GmbH & Co. KG.
Note on the EU Commission’s online platform for extrajudicial settlement:
Through the REGULATION (EU) No. 524/2013 from 21 May 2013, the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and the EUROPEAN COUNCIL have created an internet platform which is designed to facilitate an independent, impartial, transparent, effective, quick and fair online settlement of disputes between consumers and businesses with regard to online purchasing or service agreements. Consumers can obtain further information and access to the platform via the URL http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.