EHEIM proxima scape

Numer katalogowy: 0602705
Gwarancja producenta

The simple combination of an elegant cabinet and plain aquarium makes the proxima scape an exciting addition to your home environment, especially when you look through the pure white glass at a beautifully aquascaped underwater world.

The white glass is absolutely clear and, with the addition of transparent silicone, offers a natural view of the shapes and colours in your aquarium.

The simple combination of an elegant cabinet and plain aquarium makes the proxima scape an exciting addition to your home environment, especially when you look through the pure white glass at a beautifully aquascaped underwater world.

The white glass is absolutely clear and, with the addition of transparent silicone, offers a natural view of the shapes and colours in your aquarium.

With the EHEIM proxima scape, we offer you a fascinating addition to any room. An ideal...węcej

With the EHEIM proxima scape, we offer you a fascinating addition to any room. An ideal combination of classic elegance and aesthetic aquascaping.

The simple combination of an elegant cabinet and plain aquarium makes the proxima scape an exciting addition to your home environment, especially when you look through the pure white glass at a beautifully aquascaped underwater world.  The white glass is absolutely clear and, with the addition of transparent silicone, offers a natural view of the shapes and colours in your aquarium.

The cabinet has sleek handleless doors and is designed for stability as well as offering ample space for filters and accessories. Cables and hoses can be inconspicuously inserted through the opening at the back.  Lighting, filter technology, heaters, etc. are all available from our extensive EHEIM range.

Advantages of the EHEIM proxima scape aquarium combination

  • Open aquarium combination without cover and lighting
  • Tank volume 175 litres
  • 51 cm depth – ideal for creating an underwater aquascape
  • Purest white glass for clear, unobscured transparency
  • No inconvenient struts in the aquarium
  • Diamond cut and high gloss polished edges
  • Aquarium glued with transparent silicone
  • High quality and almost invisible seams Stable cabinet in high-gloss finish (white)
  • Handleless doors with soft "push to open" door hinge technology
  • High quality finish
  • Ample internal cabinet space for filters and accessories
  • A cabinet section with shelf
  • Back opening for cables and hoses
  • Lighting, filter technology, heaters, etc. are available from our extensive EHEIM range
  • Aquarium tank also available without cabinet (EHEIM clearTank)
Pojemność: 175 Liters
Maks. grubość szkła: 8 mm
Glasmaße(Höhe): 50 cm
Glasmaße(Breite): 71 cm
Glasmaße(Tiefe): 51 cm
Łącznie (wysokość): 125 cm
Łącznie (szerokość): 71 cm
Łącznie (głębokość): 51 cm
Gwarancja producenta: 3 lata
Całkowicie zmontowany: Nein
Słonowodne: Tak
Słodkowodne: Tak
Opakowanie: 1 część
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Größe: 913.21 KB
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